#2 – You Are Healed

Jesus’ resurrection is your victory over sin, death, and disease! Say “amen” to this!!!

On the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, He took all your sin, sickness, and disease so that you could live in divine health. Read Isaiah 53:1-5 and Psalms 103:1-5. Sickness was never God’s plan for humanity. Sickness came into the world through sin and death. It is the work of the enemy. Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy (1 John 3:8). And He did just that!

Sickness, disease, depression came as a result of Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil! They were both spiritually disconnected from the Father! They ate from the wrong tree! It was a choice!

Where do many of us get our knowledge of good and evil today? From Google! Some call it the “Google” God! Wow! Today, choose to read God’s Word! Discipline yourself daily to get at least one scripture that you can meditate on and chew on throughout the day! Take it as you would a daily vitamin!

When Jesus told Nickodemus, “You must be born from above!” He was telling him that he had to be born again of the spirit! And once you are born of the spirit, you immediately receive a new righteous nature! The old is gone; the new has come! Awesome!! If you were bald before receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you’re still bald! If you had one ear larger than the other, it’s still the same!

You are not trying to get healed! You already are. Come from a place of victory and speak to whatever ails you! Just like righteousness, healing is a gift. There’s nothing you must do to earn this gift of healing! Simply embrace God’s goodness and the reality of this truth! Remember: truth outweighs the facts! Why? Because facts change but truth never does! Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! And He never changes! You can always put your trust in His unconditional love and His faithfulness! Many are familiar with John 3:16, but do not go on to John 3:17! For God did not send His Son into this world to condemn it! No! There is No condemnation for those who are in Christ (Rom. 8:1).

And Mark 11:24 tells us that when we pray, we believe that we have received what we have asked of Him! That’s it! Believe you receive when you pray and you will have it! Many are familiar with 1 Peter 2:24; “By His stripes, we have been healed!” That’s past tense. But many don’t know what the first part of that verse says! “Who Himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that, being dead to sins, we may live to righteousness; by whose stripes you have been healed!” Thank You, Jesus!!!!

Now see yourself in this divine exchange! Jesus took ALL your sins and gave you His righteousness as a free gift! Wow! God put all your sins — past, present and future — on Jesus! All God’s wrath was satisfied! And then He clothed you with And He clothed you with Jesus’ own righteousness! You can honestly say that you are righteous! You have right standing with the Father!

Now from that position, believe you’ve already been healed (1 Peter 2:24) and expect it to manifest!


Click here for next Devotional Study: #3 – You are Abundantly Blessed! https://www.newidinme.com/3-you-are-abundantly-blessed/