2019 – What are you expecting?

“Perfecting all leaders/disciples of Christ”

With the new year almost here, it’s time to take inventory of what’s truly most important in our lives. A good place start is to understand who you are in Christ. The Holy Spirit wants to unpack who you are in this new year. How? By giving you revelation, wisdom, knowledge and understanding of who you are, what gifts you have and what you possess from the Kingdom of God in your hand right now because of the finished work of Jesus Christ. This was all put inside you the second you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior and were born again. You’ve already got it all!

We have the revelation to give to you so you can bring it from the inside to the outside — with signs and wonders. Your life will be filled with joy in the midst of trials. Jesus said in His Word, “In this world, you will have many trials. But I have overcome them all!” You will be delivered from all your trials. Every single one of them will become a place FROM victory. What does coming from a place of victory mean in 2019? It means that you will no longer come from a place of victimhood. You will no longer try to get to the place of victory. Because are already there!

God wants to show you how to come from the place of victory, looking at these minute problems, which sometimes may seem like huge problems, for what they truly are. Opportunities to grow spiritually. This truth that is revealed in us will set you free, but you need to know the truth. That truth — the revelation we have to share with you — will set you free. And who the Lord sets free is free indeed. We all need to come from the place of victory knowing that we have been set free in the finished work of Christ.

For the new year, this is our prayer and what we will unpack for you this year you can multiply and see the restoration of all the enemy has stolen from you. your multiplication and restoration of time to get back all that the enemy has stolen from you. You see, according to Ephesians 1:19, we have raising-from-the-dead power on the inside of us. We just need to realize it’s there and how to use it.
We have raising-from-the-dead power on the inside of us. We just need to realize it’s there and learn how to use it. We need to know what stops this power from flowing through us, so God can do exceedingly abundantly above all we can think or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)

The best way for all of us is to start is to dig in to God’s word on our own. To set aside time every day to do just this. And believe that when we dig in, we will see that He has come to set us free! Free from bondage! Free from the bondage that comes with legalism! He has given us a New Covenant!! We need to renew our minds in God’s Word daily. For it’s like taking vitamins! It will super charge you.

God’s Word contains God’s blueprint — His instructions — for how to live successfully in this world. Once you start chewing on His Word, like a cow chews its cud, you will then be able to benefit from its nutrients. For God’s Word is powerful! It has been supernaturally given to us and saved for us under the power of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s also read John 17:3. Jesus Himself describes what eternal life is. He describes it as knowing God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. This knowing is an intimate type of knowledge that comes only with regular fellowship and conversation. You see, that’s all prayer is:  a conversation with our Heavenly Father — with Jesus — with the Holy Spirit. For all three are one. Follow that through to John 3:16 and we get a greater understanding of what God has done for us and how much He loves us.

Then think about hinds feet. What are hinds feet? How do we acquire this supernatural ability to leap from one place to another? Read and meditate on Psalm 18:33.

Now, who do you the Holy Spirit is? What do you think His role in our lives today is? You see, in order to understand anyone, we must get to study them. Everyone wants to be known for who they really are. The Holy Spirit is the same. We must ask these questions. For the benefits of the Holy Spirit are immeasurable.

We believe that 2019 is the year to recover all that was stolen from: your health, finances, and relationships. Hang on for the ride! It will be exciting!!