#7 – You are Free from Condemnation!

Jesus has given you the Awesome gift of NO condemnation! This is such a wonderful truth! Check it out in Romans 8:1! Why? Because the finished work of Jesus Christ is just not good news or the too-good-to be true news, but it’s also the best news story around!! And people need to hear it!

Read what Jesus said in Luke 4:18! Who did Jesus say He was sent to preach the Gospel to? The poor! He was sent to heal those who are brokenhearted! To preach deliverance to those held captive! Recovering sight to the blind! And set at liberty those were are bruised!

Now read Romans 1:16! It’s another beautiful and wonderful truth!

Instead of being under condemnation, you were declared righteous by God Himself! Read (Romans 5-8). Check it out! Paul discusses why we can trust God in Romans 9-11. He then challenges us live in a way that is consistent with our new position of righteousness (Romans 12-16).

Paul explains that those who have believed in Christ are now positionally in Christ. You are justified — declared righteous — by grace through the redemption in Christ (Romans 3:24)! You are now alive in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11) and have eternal life! John 17:3 Jesus defines what eternal life is. You just might be surprised.

In Ephesians 1:3-14, you can read how believing in Christ gives you a new identity in Him! An identity where there is NOW no condemnation by God! Rather there is justification! Righteousness! Praise Jesus!

Your new position is received by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8-9), and cannot be taken away! It is a gift from God; one to be received! That’s why we can’t boost it! We receive this amazing grace gift!

Because it is God who declares you as righteous, no one can condemn you (Rom. 8:31-34)! You are in Him! And when God looks at you, He sees Jesus! Wow! When Jesus died on the cross, He took our condemnation and judgment upon Himself. He took the wrath God! The punishment we deserved (1 Peter 3:18) and gave us what we didn’t deserve! His righteousness!

Oh praise the name of Jesus! He’s our rock, He’s our fortress, He’s our deliver! In Him we will trust!

You can confidently trust in Him! All who believe in Him have eternal life (John 6:47) and are no longer condemned by God.

Once you believe in Christ, you are in Him and can never ever be separated from His love! (Rom. 8:38-39). No created thing (including an individual) can ever separate you from the love of God that is in Christ. Isn’t that awesome! You are now in Him and be secure in your new identity and position in Christ.

Check out these amazing scriptures:

Isa. 43:25;
Ps. 34:22;
Ps. 103:12;
Mark 16:16;
John 3:17-18;
Rom. 8:1-2;
Rom. 8:34;
1 John 3:20

Click here for the next Devotional Post – #8 – You Are A Success! https://www.newidinme.com/8-you-are-a-success/