Traditions – Some Great BUT……

Traditions are wonderful. They can be part of the glue that holds families together. Reflecting on my life, I remember all the fun family traditions. I could write pages and pages of all the good memories. Did you know that you’re part of an even bigger family? It’s the Family of God! And God is a good Father! He loves you period! He would never put something evil on you to teach you something. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to reconcile us back to Him!! And oh how He loves you and me!!!!

BUT there are traditions that make the Word of God of no effect! Imagine making God’s Word inoperable in your life. Sadly, many have been taught religious doctrines that have destroyed their families. One of the worst traditions taught is that God is completely sovereign. When something bad happens, God allowed it to happen because nothing happens outside of God’s permissive or perfect will.  WRONG!

God is a good Father! What would you think of an earthly father who put tragedy on his children of any kind in order to teach them something? You would think he was evil and put him away so he couldn’t hurt them any longer.  Why? Because you know that’s not the way children should be treated.  And yet the Word tells us that we are evil when compared with God our Father! So why on earth would anyone believe He would put something evil on His children?  Not only wouldn’t He, but He gave authority to us! He gave us the power to live a victorious life. He will not take it back. So He wants us to learn how to use it. How to wield the sword of truth and take every thought captive. Unfortunately, many religious traditions have led to the destruction of many.

God made provision for everyone to be saved! He does not want people to go to hell. When you see a family or a church doing well, loving each other as God loves us, it draws other people in.  The church should be a place where we build people up and give them the tools they need to live a victorious life! The sovereignty of God causes us to blame Him for every negative thing happening.

2 Peter 3:9 tells us God is not willing that anyone should perish, to die and go to hell. Yet it is happening. Why? We have a choice whether we get saved (born again) or not. We were the lost ones. We are not reaching out have to reach out and receive it!  Sadly, Jesus said the majority of people won’t accept salvation (Mt 7:13).

The majority of the body of Christ has fallen into believing that God works independently of us, making whatever happens to happen in our lives.  So if something bad happens in your life, it was God who did it. We look at the evil in the world and assume if God was really sooo good, why would He allow it to go on? Again, God purchased the authority Satan took from Adam and wants you to learn how to use it.

God loves you! Oh, how He loves you! Paul wrote to the church in Rome that if you would simply believe in your heart and confess with your mouth you would be saved (Rom 10:9).

God doesn’t force His will on anyone. He is a gentleman. He has provided salvation for every person who’s ever breathed on this planet!  Let Him woo you into a relationship with Him. Don’t miss out on this wonderful gift! Receive His salvation.

Let’s take an inventory of our traditions and be sure that they are based on the truths in God’s Word. For He is able to make all grace abound towards you!!! And He wishes above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers!!!