Forgiving Others

When we forgive others, many times we’re forgetting one very important person.  Can you guess who? If you take too much time thinking about it, you’ll end up destroying yourself. So don’t waste too much time!  To forgive others, you must first forgive yourself! Because the Word says that we are to love others as we love ourselves. And it’s impossible to lover others without first loving yourself.  Mark 12:31

Does that sound selfish? Hmm. Think about this one for a while now.  Because the truth is, you can’t give away something you don’t already have.

That’s why it is important to take care of yourself. But don’t do it to the extreme. It’s okay if a woman wants to put on makeup. It’s okay if a man wants to grow his hair out. Because God looks at the heart. He doesn’t look at man’s appearance.

So, as you go through day, be sure to forgive yourself for all the stumbles and mistakes you make. As you do, you will find yourself more easily forgiving others.  And that’s the key!!!!!

And as you go through the day, NEVER forget how much God loves you!  Simply look up and you will see all that God has created for you and for me.  For we are all a part of His creation, made wonderfully and fearfully!

PRAYER: Father, I thank you that You have already forgiven me. Help me to focus today on who I really am in the spirit and not in the flesh. In the mighty of name of Jesus, our Lord and our Savior who became sin for us so that we could become righteous. Amen.