Being a Good Steward

God wants us to be good stewards of what He has given to us. But what does it mean to be a good steward of what God has given to you? Let’s think about this.

God loves a cheerful giver, and if you get addicted to giving, He will feed your addiction. However, that doesn’t mean you should shirk your responsibilities in life to your family and loved ones by giving everything you have away to others because “God loves a cheerful giver.” How cheerful will your family be if you keep giving everything away God has given to you? And yet, whatever God can get through you He will get to you! He’s looking for those who are of strong faith that He can work through. Those who will tell their mountains about God instead of telling God about their mountains.  And those who understand the parable of the seed! Seed —– time —– and harvest.

Jesus taught that how we give to others is how others will give back to us (Luke 6:38). What’s truly important here is doing things God’s way with the right heart motive; not our way — to put His Kingdom first and His righteousness, knowing that all these things will be added to us as we do this.

You see, God says being a good financial steward is important to Him. Why? Because He wants you to prosper and to be in health even as your soul prospers! God wants you to put Him first, then your spouse, then your children, and then your ministry — in that order. And if you get His order right, then you will begin to see everything come together perfectly for His glory.

Money is not the only area we’ve been called to be good stewards in. We should also be good stewards of our time and our words. A friend told me the other day about how her father spoke into the life of a young person about the love of God. That young person responded in a beautiful way.

We never know how the way we speak to others or treat others will impact their lives long term, but we know for that one moment, our words and our actions can have a big impact in the lives of others, for good or for evil!

Let’s be good stewards today and do unto others as we would have them do unto us. But when it comes to the end of the day,  no matter how many times you got tripped up, know that God’s unconditional love is still there for you. For you are in Christ! And when He looks at you, He sees you as perfect! Let no one and let nothing steal your identity in Him away from you! As Mary told Jesus: Go do whatever He tells you to do.