Our Wonderful God

Numbers 23:19 tells us that our God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man, that he should repent: Has He said, and shall He not do it? Or has He spoken and shall He not make it good?

Isn’t that a wonderful truth? Something definitely worth meditating on night and day. Take scriptures like Psalms 119:89, Psalms 138:2, and Hebrews 1:3! God’s Word is FOREVER settled! He exalts His Word even higher than His own name! He upholds ALL THINGS by the word of HIS Power. And if He ever broke His Word, the whole universe would self-destruct.

What does this mean for us today? Lots! For one, we can be confident that as long as the earth continues, not one single thing the Lord has said will fall! Isn’t that a wonderful truth?

In Numbers, we read about Balaam. It’s a fascinating story about an important truth: What God has blessed, no one can curse! In Numbers 23:20 it says “Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and He has blessed us” and no one can reverse it! Balaam was the greatest soothsayer of his day. Yet he was completely powerless to overturn our Lord’s blessings! Why? Because the Lord’s blessing is greater than any curse!! The only way a “blessed believer” can be cursed is to be in unbelief, believing in the curse more than the blessing! Jesus took all the things we had to do to be blessed by God in Deuteronomy. Today we are already blessed, deeply loved and highly favored.

In Numbers 23:21 it tells us that “He has not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither has he seen perverseness in Israel! The LORD our God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them.”

This is another AMAZING statement! When we read the Old Testament, we see many examples of the Lord seeing the Israelite’s sin and bringing judgment on them for it. BUT when it came to an enemy coming against His people, the Lord didn’t deal with them according to their sins. Why? Because God deals with His children on the basis of covenant.

Today, we are under a new covenant, the covenant of Grace. Some call it the church age. And today the Lord, while knowing we are not sinless (even though we have a new nature 2 Cor. 5:17), He doesn’t deal with us according to our sins, our mistakes, our missing the mark you could say. Why? Because God has made us accepted in the Beloved (Eph 1:6), and our sins have been thrown into the sea of God’s forgetfulness! (Micah 7:19)

So let’s start thanking God for who we are today because of what Jesus has ALREADY done for us. Thank Him for the position we have in Christ! Sadly, the devil often has a greater revelation of our true identity and position in the Lord than we do. (Hosea 4:6).

But as we keep growing in our relationship with God, with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and the Holy Spirit, and keep glorifying God for all He has ALREADY done for us, we will be amazed! Stop your murmuring. Stop complaining. Stop your worry and fear! Why? Because you are ALREADY blessed with every spiritual blessing! Learn about all that God has already done for us in the finished work of Christ. Grace is everything God has already provided for us through His finished work. We are mightily blessed of the Lord! We are His heirs, we are co-heirs with Christ, and we have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son!

Practice each day being thankful! Start a “thankful” list! And as you do, you will start recognizing and acknowledging EVERY good thing that’s already ready in you because of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior.

Practice each and every day praying and singing in your heavenly language. There are so many benefits to this gift. We are told to ask and then expect to receive! Why? Because God is love! And His love for you, His child, is completely UNCONDITIONAL.