Good Friday – More Than Enough

Resurrection Sunday — Easter — is the time of year when we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. While some celebrations are simple like flying kites, and gathering Easter lilies for the dinner table; others you might call extreme.

Scriptures tell us that we are crucified with Christ (Gal. 2:20), BUT that’s not in a “literal sense.” We will NEVER have to be physically crucified like our Lord and Savior. His sacrifice was more than enough! Praise God!

Not only was His sacrifice more than enough, Jesus MORE than satisfied the debt! Nothing can be added to His own sacrifice! Our acts of penance, or self-punishment, for our sins are unnecessary. In fact, they are an offense to God. Why? They ignore the finished work of Christ as though it weren’t enough. Read Hebrews 10:1-20.

Think about this: The cross wasn’t a down payment on the sin debt. No! He paid the entire debt! Let’s start living our lives based on this knowledge. Thank You, Jesus’ for what You did for us! You took our sin and gave us what we didn’t deserve: Your righteousness!

Yes! Jesus’ sacrifice was MORE than enough!!

Thank You, Lord!!!