
Jesus is AWESOME! Jesus is RAD! Can you say AMEN to that? The goal of this audio is to encourage and inspire all of us to pray in tongues and speak in tongues more! Praying in tongues shouldn’t be strange because it’s so powerful! It’s a way we can partner and cooperate with the One Who Created Us! The One Who Loves Us! Wow! And this is for the newest and the oldest Christian: the Holy Spirit wants to work in and through you!

Why did God include praying and speaking in tongues in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit the day of Pentecost? Why did Paul say “I thank God that I speak in tongues more than you (1 Cor. 14:18)”? Paul knew just how powerful our heavenly language is.

In John 16:13, Jesus told His disciples that it was better for you if He left. Why? Read the scripture and see what you get from it! Without the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, there would be no praying or speaking on tongues! Wow! If you haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit yet, pray this prayer:

“Jesus, if this prayer language, praying in tongues, is from You, and You want me to have it, then I pray You will give it to me!” Believe you’ve received!

Now open your mouth and say this with me “IshouldaboughtaHondabutIboughtaKia?” If you start to laugh, remember, laughter also a Heavenly language! Immediately start thanking Him that He gave you this wonderful gift! Know that you received immediately upon asking! Ask, seek and knock! If you ask the Father anything in His name He will do it for you! Seek His face! Open the door! Jesus is already knocking on the door of your heart! It’s up to you to open it up and let Him come in!

Speaking and praying in tongues is powerful! It’s so powerful, and the devil knows it. That’s why he immediately comes to steal it from you! But keep pressing in! It’s worth it! Things will start transforming right before your eyes!

Now, we are told to test all things! To ask questions (1 Thess 5:21-22 and Titus 1:13). So check it out yourself! Examine these things to see if they are true. Why was Paul thankful that He spoke in tongues more than everyone else? He knew how powerful it is and he needed more revelation to lead the people. Wow!

To encourage us all to pray in tongues more, think about this: Could it be that on the day of Pentecost God wants to restore a single language to the earth that empowers His people to do the impossible BUT requires a dependency on Him? Could it be that He wants us to cooperate with Him? The star breathing God?

Here are 4 wonderful and encouraging points you may consider for praying or speaking in tongues. When you are praying in tongues (P.I.T.):

1 – You edify yourself – This means you’re building and constructing the structure for GOD’S WILL in your life while building yourself up in the most powerful faith you have! Your most Holy Faith! (1 Cor. 14:4; Jude 20)

2 – The Holy Spirit helps us when we don’t know how or what to pray! And He helps us to pray the WILL OF GOD (Rom. 8:26-27)! Whoa! This is POWERFUL!

Do you want the good, acceptable and perfect WILL OF GOD in your life? Pray in tongues! 1 John 5:14-15 tells us that when we know we’re praying GOD’S WILL we can have confidence that He hears us! And if we know He hears us — whatever we ask — we know that we have the petitions we ask of Him. Awesome!! Check it out yourself!

3 – When we pray or speak in tongues we make the impossible possible (Matthew 19;26, Luke 1:37; Matthew 17:20)!

4 – When we pray or speak in tongues, we speak to God directly! Plus we’re actually speaking the mysteries of God (1 Cor. 14:2)! It’s a way of de-coding the confusion that may seem to be around you! Like a cipher that encrypts & decrypts data! When you pray in tongues, you are inserting a spirit filled algorithm into the confusion! Wow! It helps you to see clearly what’s happening around you! So you can speak directly to it! It’s a heavenly language and it’s so powerful!

Now, we should know that we are His BELOVED! Why? Because the New Testament tells us that so many times! 3 John 2; Jude 1:20! Do a search on this simple word in the Bible! You will see how often He calls you that.

START DECLARING over your life and SPEAKING over your life, the life of your friends and family, your city, your nation: “God’s will be done!!! As it is in heaven right NOW so be it here on earth (Matt. 6:10)!”

Remember: What you speak about is what you’ll bring about! So — be careful what you’re speaking! Think carefully: What do I want in my life! Do I want to prosper and be in health (3 John 2)? Do I want what Jesus has already done to manifest? If you say yes, then watch your tongue! For life and death are in the power of the tongue! If we believe, we will have whatever we say (Mark 11:24). And the Bible says our tongue is a ready writer (Ps. 45:1).