Healing is Here

At leadership prayer training, we set up the worship band. Pastor Ron started setting up the equipment. People were running late.  Pastor Diana was playing the keyboard. People started showing up. The first one came with her tambourine and her offering to the pastors of awesome chili that we ate last night! Man was it good!!  Praise God!

We were setting up the microphones. Pastor Ron was looking at the clock. We were running late for the first class of the year; training people how to flow in the gifts on prayer lines or WalMart line (LOL!)

So, the worship band showed up. They were asking for women singing. Three other women singers showed up. Pastor Ron said we needed a little chocolate on the microphone. That was a new person who showed up.

So as everyone showed up we were harmonizing. Pastor Ron looked at the clock and it was now 7:30 p.m.  We were running late. Pastor Ron got on the conga and started worshiping with us. As he was playing, a word of knowledge came to him. With his lightning fast brain (lol), he gets on the microphone and he said “Keep playing the music. Someone with pressure with their eye. Who is that?”

The new singer on the microphone said “That’s me. I don’t have pressure. But I can’t see clearly out of my right eye.” This woman came to us saying that she was in a car accident and her car was totally totaled out.  Pastor Ron and I met her at the dentist’s office in the chair. He did say to go into all the world to make disciples, teaching them what I taught you.  This is my husband’s and my normal day with being out in the world.

So Pastor Ron starts walking towards her and in her amazement, Pastor Ron says, as the Holy Spirit spoke, “You’re healed!”  Everybody watched in amazement as she was squinting her eyes with joy trying to make the blurriness come back. She goes “Whoa! Wow! I can see clearer!”

We all praised God and continued worshiping Him. But Pastor Ron, says “We’re running late for classes!” How to flow in the anointing! Then another word of knowledge comes and it was someone’s left shoulder is hurting — pain in it. Pastor Ron spoke it out. No response.  Diana, as playing the piano, spoke out “Pastor Ron, that’s you.” And he looked dumbfounded and said, “Yes! It is me!” And everyone was laughing. The Holy Spirit was definitely the one moving here. As we started realizing the Holy Spirit was training us how to move in the word of knowledge.

So they laid hands on him. The woman that was just healed laid hands on him and the one that brought the chili (mmm! it was so good!) and the tambourine. This is what the Word spoke.

Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” This is totally against the wisdom of this world. The way to get ahead in the carnal mind (Romans 8:5-7) is to work harder, but Jesus was saying, “Come to Me and rest.” There is a place in Christ where all we do is simply in response to what He has already done for us (see my notes at Hebrews 4:3-11). This is in stark contrast to us laboring in order to get God to move.

Man we were at peace. This was the start.  Pastor Ron and Diana have worked with countless people to receive their healing and countless people have received what Jesus has already done in His finished work.

Every Tuesday night we will be worshiping with New Identity Ministry worship band, followed by prayer ministry leadership training with demonstration.

So come! Worship with us. “Come, now is the time to worship!”