Tis The Season

The Christmas flurry is all around us, bringing an air of excitement and anticipation. What is the best gift we can give to our loved ones this year? What would they appreciate the most?

Through the years, I always tried to think of what would benefit my children the most. Sometimes I hit a home run, but there were times when the gift was put aside. It wasn’t until later that they started appreciating it.

Sometimes I think this is what God experiences.  He planned a beautiful life for each one of us — what would benefit us the most and create a spirit of appreciation and love for what He’s done.  John 3:16 tells us that God so loved us that He gave His best: His only begotten Son! For all who will receive His gift of love, He made us His heir — co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).  1 Peter 1:4 tells us that as His children, our inheritance will never perish! It is kept safely for us in heaven! As Christ’s co-heir, all that belongs to Jesus belongs to us. Wow!! What a glorious gift!!!

Some of us recognized this gift for what it is immediately: the greatest gift ever. Some of us put this amazing gift aside but after a season, we recognized what it really was that God gave us, and embraced it wholeheartedly. Others, sadly to say, never acknowledge this gift.  It sits there, waiting and available to all, but ignored.

During this time of Christmas activities with all the hustle and bustle, let us each take the time to remember how much God loves us individually.  We can tell how much value something has by the price a person is willing to pay for it.  Think of the price God paid for us! We have immeasurable value to Him!!

Never underestimate your worth. You are worth far more — much more — than you can even imagine to the One who created us and wants us to enjoy life with Him —  the One who blesses with us all things! Take time to talk with Him in the garden — at the workplace — at the store as you shop. And enjoy what all that He has given you.

Merry Christmas from New Identity Ministries. We love you!