A Cheerful Heart – Part 4

Let’s review what we’ve discussed so far:

Why is a cheerful heart important? 

Because it’s like a barometer that shows us our temperature, so to speak – how hot or how cold – we are in a relationship with God.  

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

It is a complicated world out there, a world filled with sin, sickness, heartache, and despair. Remember: These things come from the god of this world. And we will give him no glory. But praise God that he is a defeated foe! Thank God, He already dealt with the sin issue. We now have a brand new nature (2 Cor. 5:17.) Jesus is the Word made flesh who dwelt among us. (John 1:14.) Because Jesus Christ came into the world we live in, we now have so much to be thankful for: healing, salvation, forgiveness, and deliverance. 

“Joy is the serious business of Heaven.” ~ C. S. Lewis

What does the scripture mean by “all things”? It includes all that can happen in our lives as children of God if we are serving Him, valuing our relationship with Him, and studying and applying the spiritual gifts we’ve been given. When, as mature children of God, we trust in His love and in His goodness, we can be confident all things will work out for our good. For we know, we have right standing with Him, and He loves us unconditionally. And we know when we hang out around Jesus, we experience joy.

Believe that Jesus always leads the righteous in triumph (2 Cor. 2:14), and nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29)! Nothing! 

A merry heart is also important because God is saying to us, “My children, sometimes you will face things that you can’t understand, but put your confidence in Me. I will never leave you or forsake you. Know that I am with you and am working out a plan for good in your life.”

In those moments that are unexplainable, let’s erect a sign that says, “Shhh. Quiet. God is at work.” We can be confident that whether we can see it or not, whether we can feel it or not, God is at work. So, let our attitude be an attitude of belief! Let us say, “Yes! I believe God is at work!” That is when we will experience a merry heart! A cheerful heart is good like a medicine. Believe that there truly is a God in heaven who loves you! A God in heaven work is at work on your behalf!