A Cheerful Heart – Part 4

Let’s review what we’ve discussed so far: Why is a cheerful heart important?  Because it’s like a barometer that shows us our temperature, so to speak – how hot or how cold – we are in a relationship with God.   Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things...
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A Cheerful Heart – Part 3

Now that we’ve learned a little bit about the importance of a cheerful heart and laughter, let’s take a quick health check: Ask yourself: Do I have a cheerful heart? Am I anticipating good things from my Father? Yes? That’s awesome! Expect to prosper and be in health (3...
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A Cheerful Heart – Part 2

King Solomon wrote, “The cheerful heart has a continual feast.” (Prov. 15:15.) King Solomon also penned, “A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” ( Prov. 17:22.) Make these scriptures life verses. Why? Because they are powerful truths to meditate on. Study...
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1 Timothy 6:10

1 Timothy 6:10 (KJV) “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some have coveted, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” Hang on! Open your ears to hear the good news of the Gospel. It can time...
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A Cheerful Heart – Part 1

What does the Bible say about a cheerful heart? About laughter? We are going to do a little study on both. Let’s start with laughter first. Enjoy. Laughter is a fantastic ability that God gave us all. Laughter helps us cope with sadness and with life. The Bible tells...
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Healing Testimony & Teaching – March 16, 2020

Matt J. “Ron has strong healing control to command healing to leave….fully using his spirit of God within….He has healed me a couple of times, and came to the office to pray over my seriously ill daughter. She was remarkably healed and doctors were amazed how fast….If he prays...
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Mastery Over Procrastination

Peter Daniels, a master billionaire, visited our church. It was a supernatural divine connection. Yes it’s true. He taught in our business class in Bible school. He taught us that we have to do what others don’t; we have to focus on the task before us. That includes laying...
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Imagine A Healthy Harvest

Imagine a beautiful healthy garden. Select the seeds required to produce it, plant them in good soil in an area the seeds receive the right amount of light, water them as needed, and then enjoy what these seeds produce. Know that these seeds will produce a harvest that will...
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How To Receive Our Healing

Healing is included in what Jesus paid for. Think about that. Meditate on that. Then let’s study how to receive this healing. And let’s take this truth seriously because our health is important to God. We must believe that God has already healed us. That healing was included in...
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What Are You Believing For?

Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God. What are we listening to? What are we giving ear time to? It will affect what we will be able to believe for. It is essential to understand this. Why? It affects what we are able to receive....
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