Righteousness by Faith – 3

Romans 5:19 “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.” By one man’s obedience, we were made Righteous at the Cross! These scriptures should provide the ultimate argument for righteousness by faith to everyone who believes...
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Righteousness by Faith – 2

It is important today to keep hearing and hearing messages that are full of teaching on Jesus’ finished work, to be surrounded by Christ-centered leaders and friends who will always point you back to the Lord and your righteous identity in Christ. It is also important to be conscious...
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Righteousness by Faith – 1

Righteousness by faith is so important under the New Covenant! It’s the good news of the Gospel! And it’s the key to living the blessed life! It is the key to Right Believing! Romans 8:3 tells us that God took care of the sin issue that separated us from...
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Parallels between Tower of Babel and Pentecost

Tower of Babel Genesis 10:10 tells us that the Tower of Babel was the beginning of Nimrod’s kingdom. Nimrod was Ham’s grandson. Ham was Noah’s son. Nimrod means “rebellion.” Ham means “exposure.” Gen 11:1 We see that the whole earth was one language! Wow! Can you imagine everyone speaking...
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Jesus is AWESOME! Jesus is RAD! Can you say AMEN to that? The goal of this audio is to encourage and inspire all of us to pray in tongues and speak in tongues more! Praying in tongues shouldn’t be strange because it’s so powerful! It’s a way we can...
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The Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Jesus had just revealed a whole new way of relating to God in John 16:8-11. The Holy Spirit wouldn’t be convicting people of individual sins but of the singular sin of not believing on Jesus. That’s the root of everything. And then the Holy Spirit would reveal to us...
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My Father’s Personal Testimony

We’re so excited to share this personal testimony of our father. In his mid 60’s, he made a dramatic change that altered forever his eternal destiny. When you read what he shared, please read it slowly. Personalize it if you can. And ask yourself any questions the Holy Spirit...
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Passover = “Passed Over!”

Exodus 12:3-14 We read about Passover. The Passover feast is celebrated every year. But why? It’s in memory of the original “Passed Over.” The night before the Israelites left Egypt, the destroyer went through the land killing the firstborn of man and beast. Only those households with the blood...
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#12 – You are Seated In Christ

There is no greater or higher position than to be seated next to the King of Kings! Jesus earned this place of honor and choses to share it with you! Really? Yes (Eph. 2:6)! Something in our human nature wants to be honored and praised. We want the best...
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#11 – You are Loved & Adored!

Did you realize the Almighty God leaps for joy over you with singing and dancing? Wow! He truly delights in you! You are not just tolerated but completely and absolutely loved and adored! Check these scriptures out one at a time: Ps. 136:2-3Isa. 54:10Jer. 31:3John 3:16John 15:9Rom. 5:8Rom. 8:35-39Eph....
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