#1 You Are Righteous!

You are no longer a sinner! Jesus has taken your sin and given you His righteous nature! When God looks at you He sees you as justified, innocent, and perfect! Wow!! Check these scriptures out: Rom. 5:9 and Eph. 4:24. Meditate on them for a minute. You have been...
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Your Identity In Christ

12 Incredible Realities Discovering who you are in Christ is so important, and also exciting! Knowing that your new identity in Him is a finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ can fill your heart with such thankfulness! These incredible realities are already true about you! And the more...
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Happy New Year! 2024!!

God is love! And He loves you! Unconditionally!! So in this new year, we encourage you to find a time each day to turn off all the noise, find a quiet place, and focus on His Word! And as you read God’s Word, personalize it. Then throughout the day,...
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Sozo – What Is It?

The Word “Sozo” — A small word with HUGE implications! We want to thank our dear friend, Janet, for her contribution in this short study. We believe that studying this small word will bring incredible results. The word ‘sozo’, or one of its grammatical forms, is used over 100...
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Wow! The Gospel is the Good News

The good news of the Gospel was preached to 90 street children in the ghettos of Uganda this past week. 30 were saved! These are the ones you see singing! How did this happen? With a simple $100 donation! If you’d like to participate you can give here: We...
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Karamojo Rejoicing in Clean Water

Happy News! This is Pastor Alfred of the Karamojo. They are rejoicing because they received a water pump that can pump 100,000 gallons of clean water. Thank you people of New Identity Ministries. It’s because of your generous giving that this tribe and its children will not die from waterborne...
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Karamojo Testimony – Brother Alfred ->Praying for Rain

Praise God, Pastor Ron. Sorry for not being online. The phone is the only problem. Thanks so much for your prayers towards Karamoja since that day you declared rain. People planted their crops and now they have harvested glory back to God. This year no person will die of...
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Spirit, Soul & Body

We are 3 part beings made up of our spirit, soul and body. Why is that important? Well, let’s go on. In 1 Thess. 5:23, Paul was praying for our whole spirit, soul & body. – “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your...
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New Creation – New Creature – New Man

2 Cor. 5:17 is a powerful scripture that tells us what happens when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” The moment you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior,...
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Christ’s Indwelling Presence

One of the greatest differences between Old Testament and New Testament believers is the indwelling presence of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior! Imagine that! You have the presence of Jesus everywhere you go! Old Testament believers did not. The Holy Spirit would fall upon them, but the Spirit...
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