Fall is Here

Wow! The beautiful colors of fall this time of year are a wonderful reminder of a loving Heavenly Father: a master craftsman who carefully watches over every little detail. In fact, take several moments through the day to look closely at nature — take a microscope and really look — and you will see the intricate detail He has designed into what we see.  Even in the fallen state of this world, it is easy to see His loving hand at work. What’s truly amazing is to think that all the wealth of Solomon, in all its splendor, wasn’t arrayed as God’s own handiwork that surrounds all of us.

As I walking up my walkway to my home, I saw a beautiful furry caterpillar.  The beautiful markings on its fuzzy little body were amazing. This was just after taking a beautiful bike ride with Pastor Ron across the Hudson Bridge, stopping to take photos of the glorious fall colors in the leaves this time of year.  The golds, reds, oranges, greens all mixed together with the blue sky and the Hudson River, gloriously displaying something that only a Creator could do.

At this time of year, we are about ready to enjoy Thanksgiving with family and friends, another glorious creation of our loving Creator God.

Truly, if we could count all the many blessings that He has given us, we would be amazed. Sadly, instead, we often find ourselves not even noticing any of this, lost in the confusion of a world that has forgotten where they came from. God, in all His power and magnificence, has not forgotten any of us. He has an amazing plan for every person if we will only listen to His voice and obey. He’s still calling out to us! He’s still wooing us! In all this confusion, He’s speaking to us!

Take time to stop and listen.  You will hear a love song sung in the early morning sun piercing through the clouds, the cool of the evening, and the middle of the night. You will be reminded that He is awesome and He has made you awesome as well.  Then simply start singing — singing like you never have before, to your glorious God and your wonderful King, Jesus Christ. It will make you feel wonderful!