A “simple” definition” of prayer is “communing with God.” We will talk about this a little further in this short article. BUT KNOW THIS: the heart attitude behind prayer interests God much more than the actual words we say (Mt. 6:5). If our attitude is wrong, we’re praying wrong. If we’re not coming to God with praise and thanksgiving, something is wrong! Think about it a minute:

Praying in tongues, prophesying, having all faith, giving our possessions to the poor, or even laying down our lives will profit us NOTHING if done without God’s kind of love (1 Cor. 13:1-3). Why? Because in the Kingdom of God, our heart attitude makes ALL the difference!

So, if we aren’t seeing the desired results from our prayer lives, we need to check our “motives.” It’s not God who hasn’t been answering; it’s our prayers that have been wrong.

KEY: As Christians, we need to learn how to believe and receive what God has ALREADY done for us through the Atonement (Acts 16:30-31). Why is that important? Because Jesus paid our debt in full! Jesus took what we deserved! Now, under the New Covenant, it’s just a matter of believing and receiving (Rom. 10:9; Rom. 10:13)!

KEY: God’s Word clearly proclaims, “As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him” (Col. 2:6). In other words, the same way we appropriate and walk in forgiveness of sin is the same way we receive healing, deliverance, prosperity and everything else! Now, listen closely: It’s now not up to Him to “do.” It’s up to us to receive what He’s ALREADY done!

Jesus commanded us in Mt. 10:8 to “heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, [and] cast out devils.” Jesus Christ completed everything necessary to save and heal every person.  It shouldn’t be any harder to receive our healing than it was to receive the forgiveness of our sin.

Now, think about this: Being born again is the greatest miracle anyone can receive! Read “What Happens When I Receive Jesus As Lord and Savior” to see what happens. It’s powerful! Now, with that same faith, we can see people raised from the dead! Just a mustard seed of faith!

The Gospel is the “good news” of what He’s ALREADY done as well as “good prophecy” of what He’s going to do when Jesus appears again in the clouds! He has ALREADY forgiven, healed, prospered, and delivered us! Sozoed us! What does “Sozo” mean? It’s a Greek word that means complete healing and wholeness in spirit, soul (mind, will, and emotions), and body! Isn’t that wonderful? Thank You, Jesus!!