God’s FREE Gifts

When you know how much God has already done for you, it will give you strength to keep on keeping on even in the valley.  Meditate on all the things God has gifted to us: Why? Because we can’t enjoy something if we don’t even know we have it.   

  1. His everlasting love!  1 John 4:8,19
  2. Jesus Christ – God’s best gift of all! John 3:16 & 4:10
  3. Eternal Life – Romans 6:23
  4. Righteousness – 2 Cor. 5:21
  5. The Holy Spirit – Luke 11:13 & John 20:22
  6. Authority over the devil – Luke 4:19
  7. Gifts without repentance – Romans 11:29

Today, let’s discipline ourselves to focus on what God has already so richly and lavishly given to us.  Why? So that we can enjoy them and be a light of His goodness in this world and you can appreciate how much God loves and values you and your well-being. You are somebody greatly loved and valued by the Almighty God.

A gift speaks of the thoughts of the giver about the recipient. Use the knowledge of the giving nature of God towards you and the nature of the gift to re-evaluate your worth to God and in the larger scheme of things. Re-evaluate your God given worth in Christ Jesus and see your faith get stronger and more productive.

It is important you know that gifts have to be received with the right attitude. So after you know the gift that has been freely given to you, you will have to possess the right attitude to receive and then enjoy it to the pleasure of the giver; in this case, to the pleasure of God. The Bible says God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. The process is as follows: know the free gifts, receive them by faith, have a thankful attitude and then enjoy them to the full.

Make this declaration every day:  God values me; therefore, I value myself. I am beautifully and wonderfully made. I will not waste the investment that God has had made in my life.  

With all these FREE gifts from God, do you ever wonderwhy people aren’t more thankful? Reality is we are the sons and daughters of God.