How to Grow In Relationship with the Holy Spirit

God has given us His Holy Spirit, and it is a good thing to learn how to grow in relationship with Him. Here are a few keys that will help us:

1 – Study what the Bible says about our relationship with the Holy Spirit. As we do, we will find out that God’s Anointing, gifts, and power are not sourced in an “impersonal” force. They are the manifestation of a Person — the Holy Spirit.

2 – Focus on how we are uniquely connected with the Holy Spirit, and then put this reality into practice in our daily lives.

Every relationship requires communication and special times together to grow. This fosters intimacy (into-me-see) between the Holy Spirit and us. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit will benefit from learning how we personally relate best to Him. Our Father created us the way we are and loves and relates to us in our uniqueness through the Holy Spirit.

3 – Pay attention to, and cultivate an awareness of the Holy Spirit and His leading in our daily lives. Developing an awareness of God’s presence does not mean that we will always feel Him physically. Rather, it begins with a revelation of His nearness for the Bible says that the Holy Spirit is present in us. We need to believe that He is our constant companion.

The Holy Spirit will communicate with us as we go throughout our day. He desires to be a part of our lives in our busy times, as well as in quiet times. No moment of our day should be “off-limits” to the Holy Spirit. Let’s anticipate the communication of the Holy Spirit and tune in to Him like you would tune a radio into the local frequency.

Studying one of the nine spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 (see Gifts of the Holy Spirit below) is a powerful opportunity to seek and develop a closer and more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Why? Because there are many ways that the Holy Spirit will communicate with us, and He longs to share what is on our Father’s heart for us. This will happen as we spend time renewing our minds through God’s Word. We will bear fruit effortlessly as we do this.

4 – Relate to the Holy Spirit in a normal way. Nothing in our relationship with Him should be strange or weird. Let our relationship with Him flow naturally as we would with any close relationship. As we do, we will provoke others to desire what we have. 

Some of the ways we can have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit are:

  • As our Helper & Comforter — the One who comes alongside us. John 14:16
  • As our Teacher & Guide. John 16:13
  • As the Revealer of our Father’s purpose for our lives and everything, He has made available to us. John 16:14-15
  • As the Anointing who is within and upon us. Luke 4:18; Acts 10:3; 1 John 2:27
  • As our Prayer Partner. Romans 8:26
  • As God’s intimate presence within us. John 15:15-18

5 – Be real and authentic with God. Through an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, we will have nothing to hide, and there is no need to perform. We can be ourselves with our strengths and weaknesses. So, let’s not hold God at arm’s length when we need His love, grace, and comfort daily. The presence of weakness in us does not in any way diminish the quality of our faith, as we grow in relationship with the Holy Spirit! It actually enhances it and is a powerful witness to others!

6 – Take time to pray and ask God to stir up a desire in us for a greater level of awareness and relationship with Him. Luke 11:9-13.

REMEMBER: Praying in the Spirit is powerful! It is a time when the Holy Spirit and we are working together! In those moments, when we are praying in the Spirit, our Spirit unites with the Holy Spirit to establish the Father’s purposes for our lives and those who are on not only our heart but His heart as well. Romans 8:26; 1 Corinthians 14:2; Jude 1:20.