Healing – Jesus Paid The Price

Understanding what Jesus accomplished for us at the Cross is important if we are to benefit. Jesus paid for all our sin — past, present & future — at one time on the Cross. In addition, He took our sicknesses & diseases. That’s why the whole earth became dark for 3 hours: from around noon until 3 p.m. The sun literally failed. What a powerful sign of the truth of the Final Sacrificial Lamb! Read this again slowly and let it sink in. All sin & all sickness & disease He paid for on the Cross! And He wants you to know it. Why? Because He thinks you’re awesome!

He did this for you! You were the joy that was set before Him that caused Him to endure the Cross. You! He became sin for you so that you could become the righteousness of God in Him! Wow! Hallelujah!

We invite you to download these Healing Scriptures immediately and meditate on them day and night until they are planted deep into the soil of your heart. Speak them out loud! Declare & Decree your complete forgiveness! Your healing! Notice the improvements, no matter how small.

Glorify God! Stay thankful! And expect to see the full manifestation of what He gave His life for.