Hearing God’s Voice

Hearing God’s voice is key to living in God’s abundant blessings. We must create a place in our lives where we can be still and quiet and hear God’s voice in our lives (1 Kings 19:12, Psalms 46:10) on a regular daily basis. He is always speaking to us, and His desire is to lead us.

Isaiah 30:21(NKJV) says, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” Isn’t that awesome! We each have an inner witness of the Spirit of God that will let us know when it’s God that is speaking, but to hear Him speak, we must become focused on hearing Him. To the extent possible, turn off all other noises and find a special place for just you and Him.

Jesus said His sheep know His voice (John 10:27-28.) We are His sheep. Now, before we look at ourselves and say, “How can we be sheep? We have no wool,” realize that Jesus was talking to a culture where shepherds and sheep were very common. He didn’t say they can know His voice, or they should know His voice. He said they do know His voice.

The Lord is always speaking to our born-again spirits and our born-again spirits always hear Him. So, what’s the problem? The problem must be that His voice is being drowned out by other things. That is why it is vital to slow down and listen. We must become sensitive to His voice and expect to hear from Him 24/7, moment by moment. Let’s open up the Bibles, get a pad of paper, and start writing down what He’s speaking to us.

Also, let’s spend time in the Bible getting to know God’s true nature: who He really is and all that He’s already done for us. Let’s meditate on these things day and night — chew on each revelation we receive like a cow chews its cud. As we do this, we will begin to understand His heart — His unconditional love — for us. We will see the extent He’s gone to adopt us into His family and bring us back into relationship with Him.

The more we get acquainted with His true nature and what He’s already done for us, the easier time we will have hearing and recognizing His voice. We will know that He never violates His true nature or His Word. The more we get to know who Him and how much He loves us, the easier it is to discard thoughts or voices that want to lead us away from Him and His plan for our lives.

To help us tune our spiritual ears into hearing God’s voice, here are a few more practical ways:

1 – Study His Word. Look specifically to see who He really is and how much He loves us. Let’s open our eyes to see His glorious wonders all around us.

2 – Understand that God will never lead us through paralyzing or tormenting fear. That’s not His way. He leads us through His Word as we open your hearts to receive it.

3 – Spend time with God regularly through prayer and fasting. Realize though, that prayer is fasting is not something we do to get God to do anything, but rather these two activities are there to soften our hearts and sensitive them towards Him. Let’s become aware of His presence, for He is always with us. Let’s fellowship with Him daily. Start taking notice of how He works and moves.

4 – Start confessing God’s Word over our lives, including the fact that we do hear His voice! Believe the Word. God’s promises are always true, and anything or anyone who contradicts what He says is false. (Rom. 3:4.)

5 – Quickly obey Him. Trust His leading. Don’t rely on our own understanding. Yes, we will make mistakes, but just like the rocket going to the moon, we can take corresponding action in response. As we do this, we will begin to hear Him speaking to us more and more clearly. We will become more and more sensitive to His leading.

6 – Never limit God. Be open to His leading in every choice and every situation we have before us. He can make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see, but His ways are very real and very powerful. His plan for our lives includes so much more than we can even imagine.

7 – Expect to hear from God today! He’s not the one hiding. His desire is for us always to hear Him clearly. 3 John 2 (KJV) tells us, “Beloved, I wish above all things you would prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” As we get used to hearing and obeying His voice, we will see our paths growing brighter and brighter.

Let’s embrace the Gospel for what it truly is. The almost too good to be true news of God’s unconditional and undying love for us. And enjoy growing in our relationship with Him daily.