Merry Christmas! Crown Him King of Kings!!

Jesus – the reason for this season. The reason we can wish you and your family a *Merry Christmas” and a prosperous New Year.

This year we encourage you to make Jesus Lord of your life. He’s the greatest gift of all! Then add the gift of the Holy Spirit. He’s such a valuable gift! Jesus told His disciples that it was profitable for them if He left them so that the Father could send the Holy Spirit. Simply ask the Father to baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Luke 11:13.

Crown Jesus with praises every day. Rejoice in Him always. Be grateful for the love He demonstrated for you when He hung on the Cross. For He took the punishment we deserved and gave us what we didn’t deserve: His Righteousness! Another amazing gift to enjoy this Christmas season.

Oh.come let us adore Him: Christ the Lord!! Crown Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Merry Christmas!!!