My Father’s Personal Testimony

We’re so excited to share this personal testimony of our father. In his mid 60’s, he made a dramatic change that altered forever his eternal destiny. When you read what he shared, please read it slowly. Personalize it if you can. And ask yourself any questions the Holy might bring up.

Sometimes we all need a shake up from the neck up! We need to look at what we are building our lives upon! Are we building our lives on a relationship with God made possible through the shed blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit? Why is this important? Because, in the end, only what’s built on the right foundation will last (1 Cor. 3:10-15).

God created us to be more than overcomers! Revelation 12 tells us that we overcome the devil by the blood of our Lord and Savior, the Word of our testimony, and not loving our lives so much that we’re unwilling to stand firm on that which our Lord and Savior — the Cornerstone — has already laid!

Matthew 19:29 Jesus tells us that everyone who is willing to leave homes, family, lands for His sake, will receive hundred fold not just in this life but in the one to come eternal life! Wow! Think of the rich young ruler in Mark 10:30. If he had obeyed God and given away all of his goods to the poor, he would have gotten it all back 100 times in his life. Amazing! Now, God hasn’t asked all of us to sell everything and give to the poor. The key is, Whatever He does ask, just do it! Whatever Jesus asks you to do, just do it! And you will be blessed!