Parallels between Tower of Babel and Pentecost

Tower of Babel

Genesis 10:10 tells us that the Tower of Babel was the beginning of Nimrod’s kingdom. Nimrod was Ham’s grandson. Ham was Noah’s son. Nimrod means “rebellion.” Ham means “exposure.”

Gen 11:1 We see that the whole earth was one language! Wow! Can you imagine everyone speaking the same language? That would make life so much easier in so many ways.

Gen 11:2 Shinar – Ancient Bablyon — They chose to settle here, to dwell here.

Why were they settling when God had told them to fill the earth?

Gen 11:4 Nimrod and his people chose to build a city for themselves with a tower reaching to heaven and make a name for themselves. Why? The answer is right in this same verse: “Lest we be scattered abroad on the face of the whole earth.” Hmmmm. It was fear. The rebellion is obvious! They were choosing to disobey God directly.

Gen 11:7-8 But God is always greater than the enemy and his tactics! And He confused their language so they couldn’t understand each other. And then scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth! Interesting!

Gen 11:28 God told Adam to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. He gave the same instructions to Noah when he got of the Ark. Fill the earth and subdue it. NOT to settle. And in v 8 we see that He accomplished what He told to do! His will be done on earth just as it is in Heaven!


Acts 2:1-3 – We see people sitting (not “settling”), waiting for God in the upper room. Obediently submitting to His instructions. Then we read an amazing thing: “suddenly” — I love those suddenlies! — “there came a sound from Heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” Then tongues of fire “sat upon” each of the disciples. It superimposed itself on each disciple! Think of laying an image on top of a photo. Combing two images to create something new! A new creation never before seen! Wow! It was a beautiful experience as they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Acts 2:6 – We read that the multitude outside upon hearing the noise from the upper room were at first confused. Why? Because each one was hearing the Gospel spoken in their own language!

Acts 2:7,12 – Those who had been confused “Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, “Look, at not all these who speak Galileans?”

Tower of Bable

Gen 11:3 tells us that Nimrod began to make brick and asphalt. They had brick for stones and slime for morter!


1 Peter 2:5 tells us that we are living “stones” — not “bricks.” Man creates brick; but our Father creates “stones.” Beautiful stones. And we are living stones being held together by the real morter: The Holy Spirit. Strong’s definition of “Morter” is “a bubbling up of water, a wave (H2563).” Spiritually speaking, we could say that’s speaking of the Holy Spirit, a river of living coming out of heart (John 7:38-39)! For when we start praying in tongues, it also gives us rest and refreshing, just like a bubbling up of water would give us! Now isn’t that awesome?

Our God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29)! On the day of Pentecost He poured out His spirit and has not taken it back! Superimposed His spirit upon each of His disciples in the upper room!

Whatever we do, it’s good to ask ourselves: Are we settling when God told us to fill the earth and subdue it? Are we allowing fear to control us v God’s spirit? Turn your fear into simple childlike trust! Trust in our wonderful powerful God! Believe that He wants to support you and He always keeps His Word! His promises are yes and amen!. The funny thing is, when you step out in obedience to do what He tells you to do, He always supplies your need!

When we trust God, knowing that He will never leave us or forsake us — He can’t! He lives inside us — we will see amazing, impossible things happen! It will be supernatural — not just natural! For we serve a living God! An all powerful all knowing God! And, guess what, He LOVES you! Say “amen” to this!!!