Renew Your Mind

Did you know that your mind is like a computer? Did you know that what you meditate on, what you think on, creates a “computer” program that determines the outcome of your life? Paul told the church in Corinth that when they received the Gospel message, that they became brand new in their spirit (2 Cor. 5:17).

This is true for us as well. When we are born again, our old sin nature dies, and we receive a brand new righteous nature, in the blink of an eye! Instantly! But it is essential to know where this change occurs. We are three-part beings: spirit, soul & body.

Our spirit is where this instant miraculous change occurred! In our spirits, we are as perfect as Jesus is right now in this world! Right where you’re sitting now! Right where you’re standing now! Right where you’re laying down sleep now! How powerful it is to realize and meditate on what this means.

While this is a remarkable truth, understand that our soul and our bodies were not instantly changed. That’s why Paul taught the believers in Rome the importance of renewing their minds (Romans 12:2).

Why? For one thing, Paul understood Proverbs 23:7 that as a man thinks in his heart was the way his life would be. I know that it took time for me, just as it did the Apostle Paul, to renew my mind to the truths of what happened when we were born again.

There is much much more to read on this. If you’d like the entire article on the importance of renewing our minds, just send us an email: We would be happy to send it to you. Have a wonderful day in Him.