Righteousness by Faith – 2

It is important today to keep hearing and hearing messages that are full of teaching on Jesus’ finished work, to be surrounded by Christ-centered leaders and friends who will always point you back to the Lord and your righteous identity in Christ.

It is also important to be conscious throughout the day of your righteousness in Christ! To speak and confess this righteousness out loud. While we might know that we are righteous in Christ, and that righteousness is a gift, it’s important to practice speaking confessing your righteousness in Christ daily.

Romans 6:14 has some more exciting news! Today, we are not under the Law (Rom. 8:3)! We’re under the Gospel of Grace! Why is this important to know? Because in can’t dominate us when we are under grace. Rather, grace is what will liberate us from sin! 1 Cor. 15:56 tells us that the Law actually strengthens sin. So, if we are being dominated by sin, it’s because we are under the Law; under a religious system of do’s and don’ts. Romans 6:14 makes it very clear that a true believer is not under the Law. Thank You, Jesus!

When we’re truly under God’s grace, sin will have zero power over us; when we truly understand the riches of God’s grace we will have zero desire for sin! However, if you feel you’re falling short, simply declare and confess with your mouth, “I am the Righteousness of God in Jesus Christ!”

God blessed Abraham. He was Righteous in God’s eyes because he believed God! Today, we have the blessing of Abraham in our own lives! We are now the heir of the world!! Pursue relationship with God and money will pursue you! So will the fruit of the spirit, the gifts of the spirit, your heavenly language, peace of mind, and every other good thing! How does it come? Rom. 4:13 Through “faith righteousness.” It’s a GIFT!

The root of everything good that comes from the Father above is “grace.” Grace is the root that produces the leaves and the fruit such as holiness, self-control and behavior that glorifies God! It’s all a fruit of grace, which is the root.

It’s like this: An apple tree doesn’t have to grunt to produce apples. It produces apples naturally! Declaring and confessing that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus by faith produces right results! It produces the fruit of the Spirit.

Right now: Declare that you are the Righteousness of God by faith!  Keep confessing it throughout the day!

Let-go! And Jesus will take over!! Living a life of victory comes by faith Righteousness! This is God ordained!!

Matthew 6:33 Tells us to seek first the KOG and His righteousness and all these things will be added to us. Just before that we’re told how much God values us – how much He loves us! He doesn’t want us to worry or to fret! The more we recognize that we are the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ and that it is a FREE gift that comes from Him, the more we will stand in victory!