Matt. 6:33 “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (NKJV)

What are the “things” Jesus is speaking about here? They are the things listed in Matt. 6:25-31. Specifically, what we eat, where we sleep, and what we are clothed with! The Lord assures us that these things will ALL be taken care of by God IF we seek first the Lord and His righteousness! Think about it! What a wonderful Father we serve!  When we put God first in our lives, God supernaturally takes care of our needs. Wow! Thank You, Jesus!

And when God starts supplying our needs, He does much better than we ever could! Why? Because He is El Shaddai. He is NOT El Cheapo! In fact, He paves His streets with pure gold, and He makes His gates out of pearls (Revelation 21:21). God is extravagant. Let’s let Him be our provider! When we let go of the reigns so to speak, His supply will be EXTRAVAGANT!  If we aren’t tempted to be embarrassed at God’s abundant provision, then we haven’t fully tapped into His supply.

Notice the use of the word “first.” This is speaking of priorities. While we need to focus some of our attention on earthly things, they should NEVER be our priority. God and His kingdom should always come first! When they do, watch as He supernaturally takes care of all the natural things we need.

This is a major key! Seek First the Kingdom of God & His Righteousness and all these things will be added to you. This means when we are seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, our thoughts are focused on Him! What wonderful confidence we can have when we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. We can be assured that He will then take care of the rest! Hallelujah!