H. Rohmann – Prophetic Word & Dream

April 14, 2023

Yesterday during my devotion time I read a devotion entitled God’s Word Redeems. Restores, and Resurrects. The author used Psalm 118:17 I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done. While reading it, I realized that God had just confirmed to me what you prophesied to me when you prayed for me at the Fire & Glory Tour in Ocala, FL. You had prophesied that it wasn’t my time and I had a lot left to do.

The devotional also used Joel 2:25 where it says that God will restore what we had lost.

So last night I had a dream where my wife and I were the speakers at a church. I was supposed to be the morning speaker and Denise was going to speak in the evening, but God made a change and had Denise speak in the morning, she gave her testimony of her complete healing.

Then I woke up from the dream, this was about 1 am. God told me to get up and go back and reread the devotional again. When I did God pointed out that we had already died to our dreams and to the ministry. However, He was going to raise the ministry and our health back up.

He told me this was our coming out party. Awake and get dressed. This is a new season and day for us. Hallelujah!!!!