Encouraging Testimonies

If you have a testimony of God’s faithfulness in your life and would like to share it with others, let us know. You can send them to us at newidministries@gmail.com or instant message us on Facebook.

Believers in Jesus overcome the devil by the blood of Jesus and the word of their testimony (Rev. 12:9-10). The blood of Jesus doesn’t accomplish this alone. We have to have a testimony of how that blood has been applied to our lives by us making Jesus our Lord (Rm. 10:9).

Be encouraged because in all things we are more than conquerors (Rm. 8:37). That means, no matter what we’re going through, we are “going through.” Think of this: The reason we are more than conquerors is that Jesus already won the battle! Jesus defeated the devil. He made an open show of him. Now today we see him as under our feet! Thank You, Jesus!!

And let’s not focus on the world and its evils. Focus instead on Jesus Christ, and let’s put our faith and trust in Him and His finished work. “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15:57).

We are happy to share with you a couple of videos showing the difference our partners, you, have made in the lives of God’s children – the Karamoja – a region in Uganda. They had no clean drinking water for a very long time. Watch what happens. Enjoy the fruit of your donations. We pray that this encourages you as well and to keep giving.

Testing the Katadyn water filter – Karamoja people – Uganda
Pure joy from clean water!
Pastor Alfred – Karamoja people