The Adventures of Murphy

Dear God…….

This morning, as we were getting ready for breakfast, I saw a dog walk by through the kitchen window. My husband heard me say “Hi, doggy” and asked, “What did you say?” I said, “Hi, doggy.”

My husband then went outside to take a look and lo and behold the dog was sniffing the railing and ignoring him. So, Ron coaxed him over with his egg sandwich. LOL

I heard from the kitchen, “Honey, we have a visitor!” He was a very kind, well-taken-care-of, dog. His hair was groomed. He had a flea collar and a regular black collar, and we saw two tags on it. We found out his name was Murphy. Murphy was happy to be with us.

Ron said, “Diana, hold the dog while I get a rope.” Murphy was so gentle and so kind, looking for another bite of egg. Ron got a rope and tied it to his collar and I proceeded to get water. “Come on Murphy.” Murphy followed Diana into the home. Who wouldn’t with her kind voice? He proceeded to sniff the whole house like he was making it his home. Diana just loved him.

We found a few numbers on Murphy’s tag and proceeded to make phone calls. One was disconnected, and the other didn’t have any voicemail. Ron felt in his heart that someone was missing this dog greatly.

We placed water in front of Murphy, but he wasn’t interested. He was more interested in his new home he thought. Ahhh

Ron walked the dog to the next-door neighbor. Our neighbor said, “There was an elderly woman looking for her dog a few minutes ago.” “Boy, we must have just missed her,” said. That was our first lead in the Adventures of Murphy.

Ron walked Murphy back home. “Let’s go for a ride in our golf cart and find Murphy’s home.”

As we were driving up the road with Murphy in our golf cart, we stopped and talked to neighbors. “Do you know who Murphy belongs to?” We met one neighbor, showed him the dog, and asked, “Do you know Murphy’s home.” “No, but the owner lives somewhere in the park next door.” There’s our second lead in Murphy’s Adventures!

So we went to the park next door and drove around the neighborhood with Murphy sitting between us, looking for the elderly lady in an older yellow golf cart. She was nowhere to be found.

We stopped and talked to more neighbors in that park. One neighbor had dogs, and Murphy let them know who was boss by barking loudly. My wife was saying, “Keep going, keep going,” for she was holding the collar at the time. She held onto Murphy’s collar tightly as Ron rode down the road looking for the elderly lady with the yellow golf cart.

Murphy was having a lot of fun. Murphy’s Adventure. We stopped at the office of this park next door and some office people came out and said, “Oh! He’s a cute little doggie. We’ll put him up on our website as our lost dog.” Ron said, “His name is Murphy,” and they asked, “How do you know,” and he said, “He has dog tags.”

Ron and Diana agreed to go back home with Murphy to wait for someone to call. You know, Ron prays in the spirit a lot, and so does Diana.

And Diana said, “Let’s take a quick ride past our home around the corner along the river.” It felt like we were treasure hunting again for Murphy’s owner. Murphy didn’t mind. Again, he was having fun, smelling all the different smells and barking at all the different dogs.

We stopped at the dock. There’s a man who is always fishing there. He knows Ron and Diana. Ron pointed to Murphy and gestured to this man. We thought he was ignoring us, so we waited a few more minutes as he said nothing. He didn’t answer at first. BUT he did answer. He said with a voice above the wind, “She lives in the park behind the grass tiki hut.” We finally hit gold! Wait till the rest of the story.

As we drove up to what we hoped was Murphy’s home, Diana said, “I believe someone’s praying ‘Dear God, please bring Murphy home.'” So onward soldiers looking for the elderly woman with a yellow golf cart.

Ron sees a No Trespassing sign but carefully drove over the right-a-way on the river and made the first left turn onto the pavement. As we were approaching the pavement just past this tiki hut, someone saw us with Murphy. She pointed to the house on the right. “That’s Murphy’s house!” She was walking a dog also, and Murphy was barking at that dog causing a commotion. We figured his owner would hear his bark.

We looked to the right and saw not a yellow golf cart but a green one! LOL We pulled over at Murphy’s home. Ron said to Diana, “Go to the door” above the loud barking noise. As Diana knocked on the door, an elderly woman answered it. When we told her we had Murphy, her smile went from ear to ear!

The elderly woman’s name is Pat. She stepped out with other family members. “Murphy!” Pat told us the story of what happened this morning: “I’d been praying, dear God, bring Murphy home and when he comes home, help me not to be so mad at him.” She and her family were so happy to be reunited. Ron responded, “God has heard your prayers. His name is Jesus!”

We could have given up after we had made the phone calls to the various phone numbers on the dog tags, filed a missing dog report, talked to the office people at the park next door, asked numerous people outside in the neighborhood if they’d seen someone looking for Murphy, without any success. But we didn’t give up. Why? Because God is ALWAYS faithful.

Yesterday’s story about the elderly and this one demonstrate the kindness of God and the unconditional love He has for His children.

Perhaps you can picture how happy this family was to be reunited with Murphy. The looks on their faces were priceless. Now imagine the reunion in Heaven every time someone receives Jesus as Lord or is reunited with their loved ones in Heaven.