What is God’s Kingdom?


Gospel Truth: God’s Kingdom operates differently than this world’s system!

The Kingdom of God is rest and peace.

While Romans 14:17 tells us the Kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, rest is also an important part of the Kingdom. “For thus saith, the Lord GOD … in returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.” (Is. 30:15) Confidence produces quietness, and the two — confidence and quietness — together are very strong. Without rest, it can lead to burnout because we think we have to do more in order for God to love us. “Be still and know that I am God.” (Ps. 46:10)

The Good News of the Gospel is every “born-again” person AUTOMATICALLY belongs to this kingdom (Col. 1:13). We have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness and placed in the Kingdom of His dear Son! And that’s exciting! That’s awesome!

What does it take to be “born again”? Well, when Nicodemus asked Jesus how he could be “born again,” Jesus told him, “Unless one is born of water and of the Spirit, he can’t enter the Kingdom of God. … You must be born again.” (Jn 3.4-7)  Jesus went on to explain that there we must first be born of water — the natural physical birth — and then we must be born of the Spirit. He was speaking about spiritual birth — a re-birth so to speak — that comes when you receive Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior. (Jn. 3:6)

How do we get “born again?” Paul said that the Word is near you, even in your “mouth” and in your “heart…” 1) that when you confess with your “mouth” the Lord Jesus and 2) believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be born again! (Rm. 10:8-9) Anyone who will believe in the risen Christ will not be ashamed! (Rm. 10:13) That’s exciting!

But wait! There’s more! When you make Jesus Lord in your heart you receive the gift of righteousness! (Rm. 10:10) Righteousness means that you’ve been justified! Just as though you’ve NEVER sinned! What a great exchange! To take what I deserve for all my unbelief, sin, and sickness and give me what He deserves! So call upon the name of the Lord and you will be saved. Sozed — saved, delivered, made whole, restored, healed!

Example, Jesus became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him! (2 Cor. 5:21)

But what “heart” is this speaking of? How do we believe in our heart? Is it the physical heart? Jesus is not talking about the physical heart. He’s talking about the spiritual heart. So what is the spiritual heart? It’s your spirit-soul combination! And the spirit is the part of you that was “born again,” –made brand new according to 2 Cor. 5:17! The soul, which includes your mind, will, emotions, and personality, needs to be renewed each day. How? Through the mirror of God’s Word. (Rm. 12:2) When the soul starts to agree with what’s true in your spirit, that’s when you will see manifestation!

Today we each have a choice. 1) Receive Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior and enter into the “Great” Exchange or 2) Don’t receive Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior and receive what we do deserve at the end of our life. Period!

As we move along in this study, we will discover that humility is a spiritual law, learn what true humility is, and how to cooperate with the spiritual laws of God’s Kingdom so we can be TRULY blessed! We will discover that humility actually governs God’s kingdom!

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