You are Redeemed! You have a brand new identity!!

Stop struggling with the ghosts of your past. You don’t have to be bound up by past mistakes and failures. Stop wondering if God loves you. Don’t live like a prisoner! The battle has already been won! Jesus won it for all people! You’ve been redeemed!

He redeemed us by His death, burial & resurrection! You are the joy that was set before Him! There is so much more inside of you than you realize. Read about it in Paul’s letters!

Just lift up your head. God is not done with any of us yet! You’ve got a new name, a new life, and a hope of a great future! God has set you free of all that old “stuff!” You don’t have to be the old man inside of you! Shake off those chains, wipe away all the stains — you are not who you used to be! You are a brand new creation! (2 Cor 5:17)

Don’t let religion destroy you. Dance with your Father God in fields of grace! For it is all about His grace — what He’s done for you. And then us using our faith to appropriate what He’s already provided! His grace is greater is greater than all your sin!   Let His kindness draw  you in! Share your testimony of all that He’s done for you in your life! It will give others hope! It will help others cross the finish line! Tell them about the freedom that was won for them!!!!!